

The Adjustable “All-in-One” line-up trainer simplifies the placement of defensive front personnel. The “Even” numbers are head up when lining up on the Center, Guard, and Tackle. The “Odd” numbers determine shading to the outside shoulder. The “Even” numbers with the letter “i” represent shading on the inside shoulder.

This lineup trainer helps teach a universal system of defensive alignment. Great teaching tool for sub-varsity teams. A time saver for aligning scout teams. Allows for Multiple defensive fronts. Teaches gap control. Improves linebacker alignments. Coaches can call out defensive fronts by number. Each position is marked on a slider and can be moved to suit your individual splits. Printed on the opposite side of the sliders is traditional defensive positions (NT, DE, DT…) Each end is sand weighted.

Weight: 20 lbs. Warranty: 3 years.

To Better Understand This Line Up Trainer, Please Watch The Video Below